Principal: Linda Collier
Chair of Governors: Alex Johnson
Poppleton Ousebank Primary School
Main Street, Upper Poppleton, York YO26 6JT
Tel: 01904 795930
Office Personnel / General Enquiries: Julie McGregor, Pat Swanton, Jeanine Naul
Assistant Principal / Safeguarding: Vicky Mitchinson
Trust Primary SENDCo: Mrs Mackay
School SENDCo: Mrs Bean / Mr Sam Cheek (covering MAT leave)
Paper copies of any information on our website are available on request from reception.
If you have any queries or need to speak to someone directly, contact the School Office on 01904 795930 in the first instance and they will direct your query.
Poppleton Ousebank is part of Hope Sentamu Learning Trust
Hope Sentamu Learning Trust
Rawcliffe Drive
Clifton (without)
YO30 6ZS
Tel: 01904 560053
CEO: Helen Winn
COO / DPO: Wendy Munro