
Mathematics at Poppleton Ousebank Primary School

We use the National Curriculum Mathematics Programme of Study for the teaching of Maths which is divided into number, measurement, geometry, statistics, ratio and proportion and algebra.  All planning is predominantly based on ensuring every child accesses our broad and balanced curriculum (through the National Curriculum and Statutory Framework) regardless of ability. The Maths Hub White Rose Scheme of Learning is used to support pupils’ understanding of all areas of mathematics: However, planning across school is based on individual and class needs so it can be altered at the teacher’s discretion. 

Medium Term Plan – EY White Rose Scheme
Medium Term Plan – Year 1 White Rose Scheme
Medium Term Plan – Year 2 White Rose Scheme
Medium Term Plan – Year 3 White Rose Scheme
Medium Term Plan – Year 4 White Rose Scheme
Medium Term Plan – Year 5 & 6 White Rose Scheme
White Rose Scheme – Ready to progress by theme

White Rose Calculation Policies

Link: Multiplication and Division Calculation Policy
Link: Addition and Subtraction Calculation Policy

Mastering Number

Across Reception and KS1, we have implemented a new and exciting Mastering Number maths project. This project aims to secure firm foundations in the development of good number sense for all children from Reception through to Year 1 and Year 2. The aim over time is that children will leave KS1 with fluency in calculation and a confidence and flexibility with number. Attention is given to the key knowledge and understanding needed in Reception classes, and progression through KS1 to support success in the future.

The project is delivered by our teachers who deliver a daily session of 10 to 15 minutes in addition to their daily maths lesson. We use the provided resources such as: lesson plans, visual resources and practical equipment to ensure consistency with the training our staff have received. Central to the programme is a small, abacus-like piece of equipment called a rekenrek, which is provided to the school to use.

We have decided to implement this program in school with the intention of strengthening our children’s understanding of early number. Our aim is to provide our children with the automaticity, rapid recollection and confidence with basic number facts e.g. subitising, number bonds within 20, odd and even, addition and subtraction, enabling our children to enter KS2 with these key fundamental strategies solidified within their long term memory. Our intent is to ensure all children can be successful in the study of mathematics.

Mastering Number – Reception Overview
Mastering Number – Year 1 Overview
Mastering Number – Year 2 Overview

There is also a strong focus on learning number facts to automaticity. In Years 3 and 4, a structured programme has been implemented to ensure the children learn their multiplication tables. 

There are weekly arithmetic tests to enable children to practise their skills and recall their knowledge. Teachers use these to identify any gaps in their knowledge.

Supporting your child with Maths at Home

Top tips for parents/carers:

1. It is really important to be positive about maths. Don’t say ‘I couldn’t do maths at school.’ Instead, try to encourage a love for investigation and solving problems.
2. Point out maths in everyday life – when you are cooking, travelling, at the supermarket.It can be as simple as pointing out the time during the day.
3. Praise effort rather than talent. It is ok to make mistakes and struggle a little as that is how learning takes place.

We are aware that many parents feel that maths has changed since they were at school. In this series of short videos, you parents and families can find out more about how maths is taught in our school.
There are a number of different apps that you can use to help support your child’s learning. One that we would particularly recommend is the 1-Minute Maths App which aims to give the children greater confidence and fluency in number. It gives targeted practice in one-minute chunks: