
Welcome to our Nursery

We are very proud of our Nursery at Poppleton Ousebank. We provide high quality, inclusive
provision to support your child as they learn through play and help them to develop their
independence as they start on their school journey. Our Nursery is based in two rooms with
exciting, sensory provision areas and access to a fantastic outdoor learning area. We look
forward to welcoming you and your child to our Nursery.


Application and Admission Process

Please complete a Nursery Application form, these are available from the school office.
Children usually attend Nursery for the academic year before they start in Reception.
We will contact you when it is time for your child to start Nursery to discuss the sessions you
require and what is available. You will be invited for a transition visit. This will allow you to
see our learning environment and to meet the Nursery Staff.
Before your child starts in Nursery we will also arrange an individual meeting with Nursery
Staff, this will allow us to talk about your child, their needs, interests, and any medical
NB: The Nursery application process is not a school application. You can apply for a place at
Poppleton Ousebank Primary School online or by using the City of York Council’s application form.


Funding and Fees

All families are entitled to 15 hrs funding for free childcare, for 3 and 4 year olds. You can get
the funding from the term after your child’s 3rd birthday.
Some families are eligible for 30 hours free childcare a week. You can check if you are eligible on the website.
Fees for further sessions are charged at £24.00 for a full day, and £12.00 for an AM or PM

Our Curriculum

Please see the Early Years page of the website for information about our curriculum. 


Daily Timetable

Full day (6 hours)
8.45am – 3.00pm
Session/Half day (3 hours)
AM  8.45am – 11.45am

PM 12.00pm – 3.00pm

Lunch and Snack

In Nursery all children bring a packed lunch. Please note we are a nut and seed free school.
Please ensure the children also have a water bottle in school each day.
Nursery lunches are from 11.30am to 12.30pm.
The children are taken to the dinner hall at 11.30am and have until 12 noon to eat their packed lunch. Nursery children all sit together in the dinner hall before any older children arrive.
At 12.00pm the children will be taken out to play in the Early Years area until 12.30 pm.
Nursery children will have the same lunchtime staff each day to ensure they settle into the routine.
Children have a snack during both the morning and afternoon sessions. They are provided
with a drink (water or milk) and a piece of fruit or vegetable.


Children wear school uniform in Nursery

– White polo shirt
– Kingfisher blue jumper or cardigan (with school logo, can be purchased from the
school office)
– Black school shoes (that your child can put on themselves – so no laces please)
– Dark grey or black clothing (trousers/shorts/joggers/leggings/skirt/pinafore dress)
– Black or grey socks/dark grey or red tights
– Red checked school dress (in summer)
– No jewellery should we worn
– Please ensure that every piece of clothing is named, including shoes
– In summer children can wear school sandals, but no flip flops or crocs please.

What to bring to Nursery

Each day:
– Packed lunch
– Water bottle
– Appropriate clothing e.g. rain coat, warm hat

To stay in school:
– Spare set of clothes in a bag (rucksack style)
– Wellies



We are fully inclusive of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
and children who have other additional needs. Nursery staff work alongside children and
their parents, as well as the SENDCO in school to ensure all children are welcomed and
supported. Our Equal Opportunities policy outlines the expected support for all pupils with
SEND at Poppleton, but in truth, they are naturally treasured and nurtured by all.


Before your child joins us in Nursery, you can help them to feel more confident, independent
and ready for ‘school’ by practising

– Using the toilet without adult help
– Washing and drying their hands
– Attempting to put on and take off outdoor clothing and shoes
– Knowing when to say ‘please’ and ‘thank you’