Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental health is a state of well-being in which every individual realises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. World Health Organisation

Our Mental Health Lead is Mrs Mitchinson

Our PSHE and Wellbeing Leads are Mrs Currie and Mrs Grainger

Our ELSA’s (Emotional literacy support assistants) are Mrs Rogers and Miss Comb

Our Mental Health First Aiders are Mrs Mitchinson and Miss Collier. 

The Wellbeing in Mind team support in school every Tuesday.

You can contact them directly here: Wellbeing in Mind Team

Our SENDCo is Carli Bean.

Our school highly values the importance of our mental and emotional well-being and we consistently celebrate and promote positive mental health. Our whole school ethos is built around an offer of a safe, secure and supportive environment where all children can feel valued, respected and confident.

We ensure the mental wellbeing of our staff and pupils through an open, accepting and respectful ethos. Our values are at the core of the school day, respect and kindness emphasise the importance of other’s feelings and we endeavour to live and model these values, every day. 

Our curriculum is underpinned by personal, social and health development whereby children continually develop their understanding of how to live a healthy lifestyle – including emotional, social and physical health principles. 

We also offer experiences through our celebration themed weeks of National Mental Health and Children’s Mental Health Awareness weeks, our Wellbeing in Mind assemblies, mindfulness sessions, circle times and our class Zones of Regulation emotional check ins.

The school’s ELSA, Mrs Rogers and the WBIM team, can be directed to support children who require support with their mental wellbeing. Further support can also be sought through them leading to confidential counselling or other therapies that may be required.

We promote open and honest dialogue for all. If something is making you feel upset or worried, it is always good to talk to someone you feel safe with. It can help to tell them how you feel and what is happening even if you are not sure what is wrong. 

Useful Links:


Monthly coffee mornings 

The last Tuesday of every month will be a chance to meet other parents and professionals in the school hall. 08:45-09:45.

Mrs Mitchinson and the Wellbeing In Mind team will be in attendance to be able to offer guidance, support and any questions you may have.