Online Safety

A guide to Online Safety

At School

Children are learning more and more about the internet at a young age. It is important that children are educated from an early age on how to safeguard themselves online. This doesn’t just mean presenting them with information every now and then, it means embedding it into lessons across the curriculum, and facilitating discussion about it where possible. This is exactly what we do as part of our scheme of work. Children will learn about the 8 areas outlined in ‘Education for a connected world’: 
● Self-image and identity 
● Online relationships 
● Managing online information 
● Health,well-being and lifestyle 
● Online Reputation 
● Privacy and security 
● Online bullying 
● Copyright and ownership 
We follow the National Online Safety scheme, which offers comprehensive coverage of all 8 areas of online safety. Alongside this, we offer free access to online safety courses for all parents, so they can work alongside school to support their children’s online safety – regular links are sent out on school newsletters to remind parents. 
Aims of Online safety in school: 
Our aims are to ensure that all pupils, including those with special educational needs: 
● will use the internet and other digital technologies to support, extend and enhance their learning, in a safe and informed way; 
● will understand how to stay safe online; 
● will develop a healthy relationship with technology and understand how to look after their own wellbeing within the use of technology in school and at home.

At Home

As a parent, you will know how important the internet is to children – they use it to learn, play and socialise. The technology that children use every day can seem a bit daunting and you might worry about the risks your child can face online – such as bullying, contact from strangers or the possibility of them seeing illegal or inappropriate content. If at any point you are concerned about your child online, please do not hesitate to ask the school for support. In addition to this, please see below for a list of useful resources that may help you protect your child when they are online:

What can I do to protect my child?

  • Rule setting/agreement – what, who, how long, where
  • Open discussion
  • Monitoring
  • Parental controls

It’s worth being aware that no parental controls or filtering options are 100% fool proof.

Useful links for children

Useful links for parents