Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

At Poppleton Ousebank Primary School, all pupils, regardless of their special educational need or disability, are provided with inclusive teaching which will enable them to make the best possible progress and feel that they are a valued member of the school community. 

“The school demonstrates high ambition for pupils with SEND, ensuring their needs are well considered and understood by all staff. They receive targeted support and timely interventions.” Ofsted May 2024

In line with the whole school vision and values, we aim to provide a curriculum that inspires and challenges all learners and prepares them for the future. Through inclusive teaching and learning, support and encouragement and working closely with parents and carers, we can enable the fulfilment of each child’s potential.

Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENDCo) is Mrs Carli Bean.

Our governor for SEND is Mr Alan Park

For more detailed information about our department you can read the SEND Policy, The SEND Information Report (which is currently under review, July 2024) and Accessibility Plan (which also is currently under review, June 2024). 

Click here to view our SEND Policy and our Accessibility Policy and Plan

Click here to view our SEND Information Report

If you believe your child has special educational needs, please refer to the SEND Support pathway below.  

City of York Council publishes their Local Offer for SEND online. To view this, please click here.

City of York Council publishes their Ordinarily Available Provision online. To view this, please click here.

Monthly coffee mornings 

Informal coffee mornings are held on the first Tuesday of every month.  This offers all parents the chance to meet other parents and professionals in the school hall. 08:45-09:45.

Mrs Micthinson, the Wellbeing In Mind team and the school SENDCo will be in attendance to offer guidance, support and answer any questions you may have.