Safeguarding is a central function of any school and our ‘culture of vigilance’ is embedded to ensure that we protect children, families and staff linked to our school community. Safeguarding is not simply ‘Child Protection’, it involves the safe employment of staff, the education of staff to keep children and themselves safe, raising the awareness of how children can keep themselves safe and ensuring that they know where to go and what to do should they need help. The partnerships between school and families and other agencies in protecting our community are important and for this reason, we have clear reporting arrangements and honest rapports amongst stakeholders.
We recognise that keeping our community safe involves raising awareness to the risks outside of school – online safety, pedestrian training and PREVENT to name a few.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and as lovely as our school is, ‘it could happen here.’ If you have concerns about a child’s safety or wellbeing, you can email Mrs Mitchinson – our Designated Safeguarding Officer or contact her by calling school. Concerns are treated with the utmost sensitivity and using the information, we can establish any risks that may place a child or family in danger.
Outside of school – where there are significant immediate concerns about the safety of a child, you should contact the police on 999.
If you believe the situation is urgent but does not require the police, please call 01904 551900 to contact the MASH to discuss your concerns.
Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024
Government expectations and guidance for schools
Online Safety – Helping Parents Understand
Online Safety Information for Parents/Carers
Online Safety for Parents/Carers
CEOP – News and information about internet safety
National Online Safety guide to Tik Tok
Smartphone free – a joint statement on smartphones by York Primary Headteachers.
Working in education, the health, happiness and well-being of children is at the forefront of our minds. As you may be aware, there is increasing evidence showing the potential harms of children owning smartphones. Across our city, we’ve seen a number of incidents requiring police involvement, including bullying, sharing adult content and grooming children through social media.
As headteachers, we are committed to promoting our schools as smartphone free. We are asking parents to delay giving their child a smartphone for the duration of primary school and beyond. We understand the importance of being able to contact your child as they become more independent, walking to and from school. A basic brick phone, without internet access, can allow you to contact them via text or calling.
You may find these websites helpful; they include information on smartphone alternatives: If your child already owns a smartphone, these websites contain useful information to help your child be safer online:
We believe that by joining together, we can reduce the pressure on parents to buy smartphones for their children. Thank you for your support in helping the children across our city to be safe, happy and healthy.
Smartphone Free at POPS
We aim to be a fully ‘Smartphone Free school’ by September 2025.
Smartphones and smart watches will not be allowed on school premises. We please ask that if you feel your child needs a phone in Year 6 then you look to purchase a ‘brick phone’ as a basic communication device. We do not allow children to use this on school site, including before and after school. We expect smartphones to be turned off in school and handed in to their class teacher. If we see children on their phones before or after school these will be confiscated.
Please take a look at the following videos on Road Safety:
One attraction for families, is the railway link to our village and the City of York. The railway crosses two roads in different areas of Poppleton – one is on Station Road where the train station is (Public Highway Manually Controlled Gates) and the other on Millfield Lane, (Public Highway Automatic Half Barriers) where pupils cross each day to attend the local secondary school, Manor CE Academy.
For this reason, having a clear knowledge of the dangers of railways and how to stay safe is very important. Children learn about crossing the railway safely in school
This film highlights some of the key dangers around the railway and looks at what you can do to stay safe:
Rail Safe Friendly – Bronze Achievement
Our school name reflects the geographical proximity of our learning community to the River Ouse. The river flows around the edge of Poppleton and is a wonderful feature of our village and York.
Although the River Ouse looks calm and welcoming, it is a fast flowing river, with a tendency to flood in wet seasons. Because of this, it is important that our pupils learn about the dangers of rivers, canals and other bodies of water and that they learn to swim to promote their safety.